Effective quality entails attention to detail and company wide unreserved commitment. Similarly our Safety Policy requires that every employee and official of the company is unreservedly committed to achieving our ultimate Safety Target, with ZERO INCIDENTS. SB will not compromise safety for speedy construction and we insure that every activity associated with our business will be conducted safely, without risk to personnel and property. Our primary consideration in the evaluation of the success of completed projects is that the projects safety records will reflect ZERO LOST TIME ACCIDENTS.

Incidents can be avoided by proper planning preparation, awareness of potential hazards, and the allocation of competent workers, the use of suitable tools and equipment and heightened safety awareness. Every SB employee, from General Manager to laborer, has a responsibility to ensure that, within his own sphere of responsibility, he does not, under any circumstances, compromise any aspect of the duties or responsibilities which could, in any way, cause of increase to risk of incidents which might result in injury to himself, his colleague or third parties, of damage to SB's or third parties assets.

SB believes in total safety awarenes such that each employee fully understands his own safety responsibilities. SB recognizes that this can only be achieved by effective safety indoctrination of new employees, on going safety training, the continuous assessment and re-evaluation of the effectiveness of our Safety Programs, Plans & Procedures and through the demonstration of the company's commitment to safety by the exemplary behaviour of all management and supervisory personnel in all aspects of the company's activities.